Class of 2015 Inducted Into RV/MH Hall of Fame
The Class of 2015 was inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Ind., in a gala ceremony before nearly 350 family members, friends, and colleagues from across the country.
The Class of 2015 includes: Bert V. Alanko, MBA Insurance; Patrica A. Fiederer, Latham Oneota Homes; Sherman Goldenberg, RV Business Magazine; Paul E. Hanser, HWH Corporation; Jerry W. James, Franklin Homes, Inc.; Joe Kelly, Iowa Mfg Housing Association; Richard A. Mendlen, Manufactured Housing: Marlene A. Sine, Marlene Sine & Associates, Inc.; Bill Thomas, and Bill Thomas Camper Sales; Robert West, Affordable Community Living.
Before the induction ceremonies, Hall President Darryl Searer, said in his “Annual State of the Hall” address, “I am extremely happy to report to you that your Hall has continued to improve financially for the third straight year and is now in the best shape it has ever been. It also is my pleasure to report to you that this year the Hall of Fame has continued its upward trend of improving its overall operations.”
Searer reported that the Hall’s debt has been reduced from $5.5 million three years ago to approximately $1.5 million today.
Another bright spot is that two years ago, the Hall borrowed $600,000 from the bank to pay off the commitment made to David Woodworth for the purpose of acquiring his famous antique RV collection. Searer said, “That debt now stands at $75,000 and we expect to eliminate that debt within the next few months.
Hall chairman and master of ceremonies, Darrel Searer presented the annual Hall of Fame Spirit Award to Don Magary, Hall of Fame member and publisher of RV News.
The Spirit Award is an annual award to honor the person who has demonstrated his or her desire and dedication to further the legacy of our great heritage.
Bert Alanko
Sherman Goldenberg
Paul Hanser
Marlene Sine
Bill Thomas
Patricia Fiederer
Jerry James
Joe Kelly
Richard A Mendlen
Robert West